
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An aerospace company accused by the U.S. arms trafficking to Iran

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Charged by the U.S. arms trafficking to Iran

The president and sales manager of Aerotechnic, a business aviation Pinsaguel, in Haute-Garonne, just been charged with arms trafficking to Iran by a judge of the United States.
The information has been revealed by the U.S. Department of Justice. The president and sales manager of Aerotechnic, a company in the Haute-Garonne Pinsaguel were at the end of last week accused the U.S. of arms trafficking to Iran.
According to Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice, the company, which specializes in storage and resale of spare parts for aircraft, is accused of having "illegally procured in the United States of military equipment for attack helicopters and fighter and have shipped to Iran. " According to the indictment it would spare parts and military equipment for attack helicopters and AH-1 Bell UH-1 Huey, as well as F-5 and F-4.

Seven people and five companies continued

Overall, in this case, seven people and five companies based in the United States, Iran, France and the UAE have been indicted by a court in Georgia (South USA) for "violation of the law on control of arms exports and regulations of the transactions with Iran, conspiracy to defraud the United States, money laundering and false statements. "
Philippe Sanchez, CEO of Aerotechnic said he was "stunned" that charge and ensures that nothing was reported on the case.
He denies the facts alleged against him and said to have had little or no contact with other undertakings concerned.
Philippe Sanchez Teuly and Luke, his business manager, should certainly know more in the coming days on the facts alleged against them.
They should charge a little more difficult, or even stop net activity Aerotechnic U.S. company with 25 employees at its facility in Pinsaguel.
The main activity of Aerotechnic, which also has warehouses in South Africa, is to provide aircraft parts around the world, and this in no time.

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